Thursday, September 3, 2009

Web Article

Small AJ mention in (Aug 25)

Original Article

Han gjorde allt fel”
Bland alla kändisar som Soderblom guidat rätt genom åren har en fastnat i minnet.

– AJ i Backstreet Boys gjorde allt fel. Det största problemet var att han var ute på nätterna och sov på dagen. Jag fick komma hem till honom, se till att han vaknade, fick rätt mat och sedan drog vi och tränade. De behöver ibland någon som berättar hur man ska lyckas vända trenden, säger han.

running it through a free translator. Best I can make out:

He did all wrong "
Among all celebrities which Soderblom guidat right over the years, a stuck in the memory.

– AJ in Backstreet Boys did all wrong. The biggest problem was that he was out at night and sleeping on the day. I came to his house to work with him, woke him up, made sure he ate the right food and then we went and trained. They need sometimes someone to thell them how to succeed reverse the trend, "he says.

[thx to misha @ LD]